The splendor of flowers is reborn, its grandeur reaching the heavens.

The TV drama "Prosperity" is an outstanding work that not only successfully restores the social landscape and characters' emotions of Shanghai in the 1990s, but also showcases the brilliance of human nature and the beauty of life through its fascinating storylines and three-dimensional character development.

For this SUNHOPE National Leadership Summit, we have also chosen the enchanting city of Shanghai as the venue. The elites of SUNHOPE have gathered here to jointly gain insights into industry trends, explore development paths, and take on the mission of leading the future trend.
Entrepreneurship for All, Dream Taking Flight

At this conference, elite leaders will learn, grow, and refine themselves together, aiming to achieve a better version of themselves. SUNHOPE, making every encounter an opportunity to change fate, and every dream a reality.

The Glory of the Universe Awards Ceremony
The CEO of SUNHOPE, Nancy, personally awarded the winners with 20g pure gold bars, honorary ribbons, medals, and glory trophies.

Gold Medal Salon Special Awards Ceremony
Executives of SUNHOPE awarded the winners of the Gold Medal Salon Challenge with a RMB 250,000 vehicle purchase bonus and a CEO-specially designed pure gold necklace.

Seasonal Millionaires Salon Medal Awards Ceremony
Executives of SUNHOPE awarded customized medal rewards to the winners of the Seasonal Millionaires Salon Medal Challenge!